Game Design and Development

The Game Design and Development program is a comprehensive course that aims to equip students with the essential skills to develop both mobile and PC games, as well as start their own game companies. The video game industry is the fastest-growing entertainment industry in the world, with a market volume exceeding €222 billion, surpassing that of film and music combined.

Due to the rapid advancements in technology and the constant release of new games, the gaming industry offers a wide range of career opportunities in various disciplines. This program provides you with access to a broad range of opportunities and prepares you to pursue a successful career in this exciting field.

Bachelor’s Degree (BA)
3 years, full-time
From Monday to Wednesday every week
180 ECTS
Field of Study:
Autumn semester application deadline:
31.08.2025 (EU) / 30.06.2025 (non-EU)
Tuition fee per year:
7120 € (EU) / 7520 € (non-EU)
Is This Curriculum Suitable for You?

If you love playing games and have an interest in game development, the Game Design and Development curriculum is perfect for you. You can specialize in game graphics or software development and explore various interests.

This curriculum equips you with the tools and knowledge to design virtual worlds from scratch and become a core member of a team that develops captivating gameplay and game mechanics. It's a journey of discovering and designing games that will engage and inspire millions of people around the world.

Why Study Game Design and Development?
  • One of the four game development study programmes in Europe and the only one in the Baltics;
  • Lectures by experienced industry professionals;
  • Benchmark development tools;
  • Regular GameJams;
  • Small class sizes of up to 25 students.
  • understand, assess, and carry out scientific work based on a well-considered methodological and theoretical basis.
Career opportunities
Below are some career opportunities in the gaming industry:
  • Character designer
  • Level designer
  • Game designer
  • Software developer for games
  • Concept artist
  • Video game graphics artist
EUAS partners with Creative Mobile, Derivco Estonia,  GameLab, IGDA Estonia, Level1 to provide game design and development studies.
Criteria for admission

To be eligible for admission, the applicant must meet the following requirements:

  • Completion of an internationally recognized secondary education program
  • Passing an online test
  • Submission of a motivation letter
  • Participation in an admission interview
  • Proof of English proficiency: IELTS 5.5 (IELTS score validity is three years), TOEFL 46-59 (TOEFL score validity is two years), Cambridge 162-170, Pearson English International Certificate (PIC) 46-52.
If you have any questions regarding admission, please get in touch with

Game design and development specialisation module (69 ECTS)
Entrepreneurship module (15 ECTS)
Game design general studies module (22 ECTS)
Basic studies module (22 ECTS)
Internship and Written Papers module (44 ECTS)
Research methodology module (8 ECTS)
Head of Curriculum
Andrejs Rusinovskis
About EUAS
Estonian Entrepreneurship University of Applied Sciences is located in Ülemiste City, which is the largest business campus in the Baltics. Our aim is to create a community of talented individuals from all around the globe. We offer practical education that aligns with the needs of global employers in innovative business sectors, thus enhancing our students' career prospects.
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