Blended intensive program
Discover Smart City Trends, Technologies & Innovations

Come and join us in exploring Smart City trends, technologies & innovations.

During this course we will look into Talent Services (incl. health and community), B2B innovations, Waste Management, Innovative Mobility Options, Smart Buildings, Digital Citizen etc. We will explore technology innovation in smart city, how technology can support the development of the smart city and talents development in the smart city.

During the 5 days in Tallinn, students engage inpractical learning in international teams while solving business cases from Ülemiste Smart City. We will share best practices and examples of resiliently managed Smart City and how this ensures the development of a Smart City ecosystem. We also look into how data and data capture can help drive Smart City solutions. 

Located in the heart of the Ülemiste Smart City, Estonian Entrepreneurship University of Applied Sciences (EUAS) offers a great opportunity to explore and develop new ideas of Smart Cities to everyone attending the course. In addition to the Ülemiste Smart City, Estonian International House and various company visits, we will be exploring Estonian culture, Tallinn and its Old Town.


Estonian Entrepreneurship University of Applied Sciences


5 days
Monday – Friday


30 September, 2024 Preparation and Discussion Online
7-11 October, 2024 Lectures and Activities in Tallinn, Estonia


3ECTS (pass/fail)

Main acitivities:
  • Lectures;
  • Presentations;
  • Company showcases / Meeting entrepreneurs;
  • Different cultural activities / Old Town Tour.
Main topics:
  • Smart Buildings
  • Technology Driven Innovations
  • Health and community in Smart City
  • Public Safety & Security
  • Waste Management
  • Digital services for Talent
  • Innovative Mobility Options
  • B2B innovations 
Students from partner universities will have the possibility to be funded through short-term study mobilities. We kindly ask you to disseminate this BIP opportunity among your students!
Read more about the previous Smart City BIP organized by the EUAS in August 2024.
Please contact Ms. Mari-Liis Tulev ( to nominate the students by September 12, 2024! We will confirm the participants on September 13th, 2024.