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Exploring Turkish Art and Culture: Delightful Istanbul International Summer School

From July 19 to August 3, 2024, Software Development & Entrepreneurship students Sanskar Chaudhary and Reika Yonetsu had the incredible opportunity to participate in the Delightful Istanbul International Summer School, which offers different Erasmus+ short-term programs hosted by Istanbul Aydın University. The program we chose focused on the "Exploration of the Turkish Art via Museums," and it proved to be an enriching experience that blended academic learning with cultural immersion in one of the world's most historic cities.

The decision to join this Erasmus+ program stemmed from our shared passion for experiencing different cultures and expanding our global network. We were particularly drawn to this program because it offered a unique intersection of art, history, and culture, all within the context of Turkey—a country with a rich and diverse heritage. We knew that this would not only enhance our understanding of Turkish art but also allow us to develop new perspectives that would be invaluable in our future careers.

Our journey began a day before the official start of the program, as we landed in Istanbul on July 18th. The initial challenge of navigating Istanbul's public transport system was soon overshadowed by the excitement of being in a city that straddles two continents. Our early days were filled with exploration; we roamed the vibrant streets, sampled delicious Turkish cuisine, and reconnected with an old friend, Muhammed, whom we had met during his Erasmus exchange in Estonia.

The academic program commenced on July 22nd with an introduction at the university. We were thrilled to discover that the majority of our lectures would take place in some of Istanbul's most prestigious museums. This hands-on approach to learning allowed us to engage with Turkish art in a deeply meaningful way. Our visits included the Sakıp Sabancı Museum, the Istanbul Archaeological Museums, and the Istanbul Museum of Painting and Sculpture, each offering a unique lens through which we could view Turkey's artistic evolution.

Beyond the structured learning, we made the most of our time by exploring the city with our new friends from the program—over 200 students from 45 different countries. We took ferries across the Bosphorus, enjoyed the panoramic views from Galata Tower, and even embarked on a late-night hike to Pierre Loti Hill. The hike, though exhausting, rewarded us with a stunning night-time view of Istanbul, a moment we cherished over cups of traditional Turkish tea.

One of the most memorable experiences was our visit to the Camlica Mosque and Tower on the Asian side of Istanbul. The mosque's light show, featuring intricate patterns projected onto its walls and floor, was unlike anything we had ever seen. The panoramic view from Camlica Tower gave us a breathtaking perspective of Istanbul's sprawling landscape—a sight that left us speechless.

The weekend boat cruise was another highlight of our trip. For six to seven hours, we danced, swam, and laughed with our new friends as we sailed along the Bosphorus. The energy and camaraderie on that boat were unmatched, making it one of the most unforgettable experiences of our lives.

As the program neared its end, we felt a mix of emotions. The final day at the university was bittersweet; we were proud to receive our certificates, but the thought of saying goodbye to the friends we had made brought tears to our eyes. Our last evening in Istanbul was spent with Muhammed and his family, a fitting end to a journey that had been as much about reconnecting with old friends as it was about making new ones.

Choosing a single unforgettable memory from this trip is challenging, as every day brought something new and exciting. However, the most anticipated and fulfilling moment was reuniting with our friend Muhammed. Spending time with him in his hometown, after having met him in Estonia, added a deeply personal touch to our journey. It reminded us of the power of friendships formed through Erasmus and how these connections can span countries and continents.

We wholeheartedly recommend the Erasmus+ programs to every student who is curious about the world and eager to expand their horizons. This program offers so much more than academic knowledge; it provides an immersive experience that fosters personal growth, cultural understanding, and the formation of lifelong friendships. The memories we created, the people we met, and the lessons we learned are invaluable, and they will stay with us forever. Erasmus is a journey that every student should embark on—it's a chance to live, learn, and grow in ways that you can’t even imagine.

This experience has left an indelible mark on us. Academically, we gained a profound understanding of Turkish art, enriched by firsthand experiences in some of the world's most renowned museums. On a personal level, we learned to adapt to new environments, communicate across cultural boundaries, and build networks that span the globe. The friendships we forged during this time have broadened our perspectives, and the conversations we had have inspired new ideas and ambitions. In essence, this Erasmus+ experience has not only expanded our knowledge but also deepened our appreciation for the beauty of human connections and the richness of diverse cultures.