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EUAS Open Door Day

Next week EUAS will be hosting an Open Door Day for everyone who is interested. There will be various workshops, quizzes (in Estonian and English) and much more. You can explore inside the school and in the Lõõtsa park behind the school, where you can get answers to all your learning questions.

TIMETABLE (inside)

Hall (room 227):
12.00 Quizzes (EST)
13.00 Study opportunities for Ukrainians
14.00 Quizzes (ENG)
15.00 Introduction to Russian-language Master's degree specializations

12.00 Introduction to the Game Design and Development specialty
13.00 Introduction to the Financial Management and Entrepreneurship module
14.00 Introduction to Russian-language specializations in applied higher education
15.00 Introduction to logistics; introduction to web technology.

TIMETABLE (outside)

Lõõtsa park:
12.00 Introduction to Design and Art specializations
13.00 Introduction to the Hotel and Restaurant Management specialty
14.00 Introduction to Design and Art specializations; introduction to Human Resource management; introduction to the marketing speciality

15.00 EUAS Mainor Landscape Game; school and Ülemiste City cooperation

12.00 Introduction to Master's degree programs
13.00 Erasmus+; introduction of the student council
14.00 Introduction to the Applied Higher Education and Entrepreneurship module
15.00 Introduction to micro degree programs

Hostel tours take place at 13.00 and 14.00.

Find out more about the event: