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Future City and dissemination

International business and education project Educational and Entrepreneurial co-operation in Future City was brought together the network to discover digitalization, talent discovery & green transition in business at Ülemiste City.

The third Study Tour took place in Ülemiste City 10th -12th of May and was mainly focused on companies and universities creating a strong link together to build a bridge between new fresh talents and their possible careers at green business & digitalisation. Examples and challenges were this time represented by Nortal (EST), Rubicon & Morris Industries (USA) and E-Estonia (EST).

On the first two day there was a chance to listen up to 100 Keynotes and Panels. All of those were mainly focused on different topics – Future Trends, Digitalization, Data & Innovation, Talent & Health and Green Transition in Business. 40 students and 11 lecturers and scientists from 6 different universities participated to gather knowledge in all of those fields.

On the second and third day Nortal was giving their insights about how to start co-operations with young talents through functional and practical programs. Their representor Piret Luts inspired students to try out different job offers already during their studies to actually get to know what their passion is. Piret said: „This is the only way they could know in which way to start working towards in their careers.“ Nate Morris (Head of Rubicon and Morris Industries) was emphasizing the importance to see the bigger picture, to be bold and take even those risks or chances that you think you are not yet worth or capable of. Erika Piirmets from E-Estonia shared all the possibilities they have created to build digitalized database about citizens – how they manage it daily basis and what does it require.

The universities participating were: Vidzeme University of Applied Sciences; Aalborg University; Vilniaus kolegia/University of Applied Sciences; University of Iceland; Arcada University of Applied Sciences; University of Stavanger; Jönköping University; Estonian Entrepreneurship University of Applied Sciences.

The goal of the network created by the Estonian Entrepreneurship University of Applied Sciences and Mainor AS in 2018 is business, education and science cooperation with Nordic and Baltic universities to create new important solutions for the future city and education, share international experience and learn from the best. The project is financed by the Nordic Council of Ministers from the Nordplus Horizontal programme, the international cooperation centre of Norwegian education.

The largest business campus in the Baltic countries, Ülemiste City, is developed by Mainor AS, Mainor Ülemiste AS and Technopolis Ülemiste AS. 150,000 square metres of rentable office space has been built on the campus’s 36 hectares, housing around 500 companies and allowing more than 16,000 people to work, study and live.