ԱՏԵՍՏԱՏ ՄԻՋՆԱԿԱՐԳ ԿՐԹՈՒԹՅԱՆ (Atestat midžnakarg krthuthjan) (until 1995/96 and since 2017)
or ԱՏԵՍՏԱՏ ԸՆԴՀԱՆՈՒՐ ՄԻՋՆԱԿԱՐԳ ԿՐԹՈՒԹՅԱՆ (Atestat õndhanou midžnakarg krthuthjan) (from 1996/97 to 1999)
or ԱՏԵՍՏԱՏ ՄԻՋՆԱԿԱՐԳ (ԼՐԻՎ) ԸՆԴՀԱՆՈՒՐ ԿՐԹՈՒԹՅԱՆ (Atestat midžnakarg (lriv) õndhanou krthuthjan) (2000-2016)
or ԴԻՊԼՈՄ (Diplom)
Secondary School transcript of final grades
Bachelor’s degree Diploma
Bachelor’s degree Academic Transcript/Diploma Supplement
Tam orta təhsil haqqında attestat(since 2011) (Secondary School Certificate)
or Orta təhsil haqqında attestat (until 2010)
or Subbakalavr
Secondary School transcript of final grades
Bachelor’s degree Diploma
Bachelor’s degree Academic transcript/Diploma Supplement
Senior Secondary Certificate of Education
or Certificate IV
or Diploma/Advanced Diploma
Statement of Results/Record of Achievement/Senior Statement
or Bachelor Honours
Bachelor’s degree Academic Transcript/statement of academic record
Australian Higher Eduacation Graduation Statement(AHEGS)
Reifeprüfungszeugnis / Secondary School Leaving Certificate
or Studienberechtigungsprüfung
or Berufsreifeprüfungszeugnis
Transcript with results from all the years of study
Bachelor’s degree Diploma
Bachelor’s degree Academic Transcript/Diploma Supplement
Higher Secondary Certificate(HSC)
or Madarash Education Board Alim
or Higher Secondary Certificate (Vocational)
or Higher Secondary Certificate (Bussiness Management)
or Diploma (for example: Diploma in Engineering, Diploma in Business Studies)
or Diploma in Commerce
Higher Secondary Academic transcript/Marks Certificate(where 6 main exam results have to be at least 50% of the maximum or marked at least as „B“)
or Diploma Academic Transcript(8 pages)
Bachelor(Pass) – since 2004
or Bachelor(Honours)
Bachelor’s degree Academic transcript/statement of marks(for all semesters)
Атэстат аб агульнай сярэдняй адукацыi (Atestat ab agulnai sjarednjai adukatsõi)
or Дыплом аб сярэдняй спецыяльнай адукацыі (Dõplom ab sjarednjai spetsõjalnai adukatsõi)
Приложение к диплому(Transcript)
Дыплом аб вышэйшай адукацыi (Bachelor's degree Diploma)
Выпiска з залiкова-экзаменацыйнай ведамасцi / Выписка из зачетно-экзаменационной ведомости (Bachelor’s degree Academic Transcript/Diploma Supplement)
Certificado de Conclusão do Ensino Médio
or Exame Nacional para Certificação de Competências de Jovens e Adultos (ENCCEJA)
or Certificado de Conclusao de Ensino Medio Supletivo (Supletivo)
or Técnico em … (Nível Médio)
Secondary School Transcript of grades 10-12(Ensino Médio 1-3 Série)
or Licenciado
or Titulo Profissional
Academic Trancript of Records
All applicants to bachelor's programs must order the Confirmation of Examination Results from the Cameroon General Certificate of Education Board for each level and each year. Confirmation has to be sent directly to EUAS. Genereal Certificate of Education(Advanced Level) – at least two A-level and four O-level exams.
or Baccalauréat de l’Enseignement Secondaire/ Baccalauréat Technique
or Brevet
The confirmation of Examination Results
or Licence
or Licence Professionnelle
Academic Transcript
Higher Secondary Education Diploma
Higher Secondary Education Transcript
Bachelor’s degree Diploma
Bachelor’s degree Academic Transcript
Certificate of Graduation
Chinese National College and University Entrance Examination(GaoKao) Certificate
Senior Secondary School Transcript(Grades 10-12)
Credentials/Verification Report issued by China Academic Degrees & Graduate Education Development Center(CHESICC)
Bachelor’s Degree Certificate
Graduation Diploma
Academic Transcript
Credentials/Verification Report issued by China Academic Degrees & Graduate Education Development Center(CHESICC)
Studentereksamen, stx / Upper-Secondary School Leaving Certificate
or Højere
or Erhvervsuddannelse og gymnasial eksamen, eux
Secondary School Transcript
Bachelor’s degree Diploma
Bachelor’s degree Academic Transcript
General Secondary Education Certificate
or Al-Azhar Secondary Certificate
Secondary Education Certificate notarized translation in English
Statement of marks sent directly from institution to EUAS
Bachelor’s degree Diploma
Bachelor’s degree Academic Transcript
Diploma and Academic Transcript notarized translations in English
General Upper Secondary Education and National Matriculation Examination (Lukion Päättötodistus ja Ylioppilastutkintotodistus/ Studentexamensbetyg)
or Ammatillinen perustutkinto(Vocational Qualification) (Päättötodistus ja Näyttötodistus ja Tutkintotodistuksen liite/ Tutkintotodistus ja Tutkintotodistuksen liite)
Bachelor’s degree Diploma
Bachelor’s degree Academic Transcript/Diploma Supplement
Diplôme de Baccalauréat Général / Technologique / Professionnel
Relevé de Notes du Baccalauréat (academic transcript)
Licence / Licence professionelle(Bachelor’s degree Diploma)
Bachelor’s degree Academic Transcript/Diploma Supplement
Sashualo ganatlebisatestati/Sruli zogadi ganatlebis atestati (General Education Diploma)
or Diplomi(Vocational Education Diploma)
Transcript of final grades
Bakalavri (Bachelor’s degree Diploma)
Bachelor’s degree Academic Transcript/Diploma Supplement
Zeugnis der allgemeinen Hochschulreife
or Zeugnis der Fachhochschulreife
Bachelor’s degree Diploma
Bachelor’s degree Academic Transcript/Diploma Supplement
When sending documents to EUAS a Scratch card(or electronic Payment Receipt) for verifying the examination results must be included. West African Senior School Certificate
Senior Secondary School transcript of records
West African Senior School Certificate Examination (WASSCE) or Senior School Certificate Examination (SSCE) Certificate that is issued by the West African Examinations Council (WAEC). Exams are mandatory for the minimum result of C6.
All applicants to masters programs must order the Academic Transcript from the University. Transcript has to be sent directly to EUAS. Bachelor’s degree Diploma (First Class Honours or Second Class Honours)
Bachelor’s degree Academic Transcript
Higher Secondary School Certificate issued by Examination Board (10+2)
Academic transcript / Statement of marks / Mark sheet
Bachelor’s degree diploma
Bachelor’s degree Academic Transcript
Diploma di Superamento dell ‘ Esame di Stato (secondary education diploma)
Allegato del Diploma (diploma attachment)
Laurea (Bachelor’s degree Diploma)
Bachelor’s degree Academic Transcript/Diploma Supplement
Senior High School Graduation Certificate
Senior High School Academic Transcript (years 10-12)
Bachelor’s degree Certificate
Bachelor’s degree Academic Transcript
Aттестат о среднем общем образовании / Аттестат об общем среднем образовании / Аттестат об окончании старшей школы
Приложение к аттестату
or Диплом о техническом и профессиональном образовании / Диплом о среднем профессиональном образовании
Приложение к диплому
Бакалавр (Bachelor’s degree Diploma)
Приложение к диплому (Bachelor’s degree Academic Transcript)
Atestāts par vispārējo vidējo izglītību (diploma of general secondary education)
Sekmju Izraksts (Statement of records)
Vispārējās vidējās izglītības sertifikāts (Certificate of State Examination)
or Diploms par profesionālo vidējo izglītību (diploma of vocational secondary education)
Sekmju Izraksts (Statement of records)
Bakalaurs / Profesionālais bakalaurs (Bachelor’s degree Diploma)
Bachelor’s degree Academic Aranscript/Diploma Supplement
or Profesionālā augstākā izglītība un augstākā profesionālā kvalifikācija
Diploma Supplement (Diploma pielikums)
Brandos Atestatas (Maturity Certificate)
Brando atestato priedas (supplement to certificate)
Bakalauras / Profesinis bakalauras (Bachelor’s degree Diploma)
Diplomo priedėlis (Diploma Supplement)
National Examinations Board Cetificate (previously Higher Secondary Education Board Examination Certificate)
Provisional Certificate
Migration Certificate
Academic Transcript
or Diploma/Proficiency Certificate
Academic Transcript
Bachelor’s degree Diploma
Bachelor’s degree Academic Transcript
When sending documents to EUAS a Scratch card(or electronic Payment Receipt) for verifying the examination results must be included. Exams are mandatory for the minimum result of C6 West African Senior School Certificate issued by the West African Examinations Council (WAEC) or Senior School Certificate issued by National Examinations Council (NECO).
or National Business Certificate or National Technical Certificate
or National Diploma
Academic Transcript sent from the school directly to EUAS
All applicants to masters programs must order the Academic Transcript from the University. Transcript has to be sent directly to EUAS. Bachelor’s degree Diploma(First Class Honours or Second Class Honours)
Bachelor’s degree Academic Transcript
Vitnemål for videregående opplæring / Certificate for Upper Secondary Education and Training
Academic Transcript
Bachelor’s degree Diploma
Bachelor’s degree Academic Transcript
Intermediate (Examination) Certificate / Higher Secondary (School/Examination) Certificate or a corresponding 10+2 certificate
Higher Secondary School transcript/Statement of Marks
or Diploma(Vocational education certificate)
Results card
Bachelor's degree certificate (4 year Bachelor or 2+2 Master)
Bachelor's degree Academic Transcript
Diploma do ensino secundário/Diploma de qualificação profissional de nivel 3
Academic Transcript
Licenciado (Bachelor’s degree Diploma)
Bachelor’s degree Academic Transcript/Diploma Supplement
Аттестат о среднем (полном) общем образовании / Аттестат о среднем общем образовании (issued since 2014) (Secondary School Certificate)
Приложение к аттестату (Academic Transcript)
Свидетельство о результатах единого государственного экзамена (Certificate of Unified State Examination)
or Диплом о среднем профессиональном образовании
Приложение к диплому о среднем профессиональном образовании
Диплом бакалавра (Bachelor’s degree Diploma)
Приложение к диплому (Bachelor’s degree Academic Transcript/Diploma Supplement)
Vysvedčenie o maturitnej skúške (upper secondary education diploma)
Dodatok k vysvedčeniu o maturitnej skúške (transcript)
Bakalár (Bachelor's degree Diploma)
Bachelor's degree Academic Transcript/Diploma Supplement
High School Certificate of Graduation or Vocational High School Certificate of Graduation
High School transcript (years 10-12)
Bachelor’s degree Diploma
Bachelor’s degree Academic Transcript
Título de Bachiller/Título de Técnico Superior (secondary education diploma/higher vocational education diploma)
Certificación académica
Título de Graduado (Bachelor’s degree Diploma)
Bachelor’s degree Academic Transcript/Diploma supplement
All applicants to bachelor’s program have to have done the Common General Test for at least 30 points. General Certificate of Education (A-level)
Bachelor’s degree Diploma
Bachelor’s degree Academic Transcript
Högskoleförberedande examen / Higher Education Preparatoty Diploma(previously Slutbetyg / School Leaving Certificate)
or Yrkeshögskoleexamen
or Intyg för behörighet till högskolestudier
Transcript of final grades
Bachelor’s degree Diploma
Bachelor’s degree Academic Transcript
Alsh’adat althanwayt aleamt / sh’adat aldirast althanwayt aleamt(General Secondary Education Certificate)
Secondary Education transcript
Bachelor’s degree Diploma
Bachelor’s degree academic transcript
Hoger Algemeen Voortgezet Onderwijs diploma / Voorbereidend Wetenschappelijk Onderwijs diploma (secondary education diploma)
Hoger Algemeen Voortgezet Onderwijs cijferlijst / Voorbereidend Wetenschappelijk Onderwijs cijferlijst (mark sheet)
Bachelor’s degree Diploma
Bachelor’s degree Academic Transcript/Diploma Supplement
The official transcript(grades 9-12) must be sent, upon the student’s request, directly to EUAS by a higher education institution. High School Diploma
Official Transcript of grades 9-12 (sent from institution to EUAS)
or High School Equivalency Diploma(GED)
Official GED Transcript(sent from GED exam center to EUAS)
The official transcript must be sent, upon the student’s request, directly to EUAS by a higher education institution. Bachelor’s degree Diploma
Bachelor’s degree Official Transcript(sent from school to EUAS)
Graduates until 2009 have to present ÖSS exam results (Öğrenci Seçme Sınavı); 2010 until 2017 have to present two exam results YGS (Yükseköğretime Geçiş Sınavı) and LYS (Lisans Yerleştirme Sınavları); from 2018 have to present YKS exam results (Yükseköğretim Kurumları Sınavı). Lise Diplomasi or Anadolu Lisesi Diplomasi (Secondary School Graduation Certificate)/ Meslek Lisesi Diplomas (Vocational secondary education certificate)
The academic transcript of secondary school
Exam results issued by ÖSYM (must grant access to higher education in Turkey).
Lisans Diplomasi (Bachelor's degree Diploma)
Bachelor’s degree Academic Transcript/Diploma Supplement
Свідоцтво про здобуття повної загальної середньої освіти (Previously Атестат про повну загальну середню освіту) (Secondary School Certificate)
Додаток до атестата про повну загальну середню освiту (Secondary School academic transcript)
Диплом бакалавра (Bachelor's degree Diploma)
Додаток до диплома про вищу освiту (Bachelor's degree Academic Transcript)
General Certificate of Education(GCE) (At least 2 A-level exams or 4 AS-level exams or 1 A-level and 2 AS-level exams)
or Scottish Qualifications Certificate (At least 4 Higher level exams)
Bachelor's degree Diploma
Bachelor's degree Academic Transcript/Diploma supplement
Diploma of the International Baccalaureate
Academic Transcript
Diploma of the European Baccalaureate
Academic Transcript
High School Equivalency Diploma(GED)
Official GED Transcript(sent from GED exam center to EUAS)