How to apply?

Hey! Getting started with your studies at EUAS is actually quite simple. If EUAS is the right university for you and you the right student for EUAS, that is.

Studies at EUAS can be demanding. Don't think you'll get away with just sitting in lectures. We're a university for active, creative and driven people. If you have ambition, plans and dreams, then EUAS might be the choice for you. 

The official rules of admission can be found here. The journey from your decision to apply to your first day in class here in Tallinn has eight steps - see in detail below. For EU students and others who do not require a visa to travel to Estonia, much of the following (p 5 and after) is irrelevant - you simply need to show up by the time classes or preparatory activities begin. However, if you need a visa to come to Estonia, follow these instructions carefully.

STEP-BY-STEP guide to becoming a student in EUAS

First, fill in the online application form for the program you want to apply to. Be sure to upload all the necessary documents. If you're applying to an undergraduate program, keep in mind that no matter how high your GPA, as demanded by law every single result on your secondary (in some countries called higher secondary - 12 years of school) education diploma has to be above 50% of the maximum. Important! An online test and motivation letter are mandatory for the application process. 


You will be sent an e-mail about the time of your online video interview. Prepare for the interview - it will be about your own ideas and opinions on business, society, entrepreneurship and innovation - but don't panic. The interview is not an exam testing your knowledge. It's a conversation to find out if EUAS really is for you.


At the agreed time you'll take the interview. You need to have top quality Internet connection for superb video and audio.


Based on the documents you've uploaded and the interview, your admission will be decided within two weeks of the interview.

The final decision will be made as soon as possible after the online interview and document evaluation. 


Once admitted you are required to pay the first year's tuition fee and, if you have received a dormitory placement, the first six months' rent. Once this is done, you can visit an Estonian embassy to apply for the D-visa for your travel to Estonia. Be sure to keep in mind the following.

  • To prove your sufficient means of subsistence while in Estonia, follow the instructions given here, under the title "Legal income" (scroll down). The respective documents must have your name, date and signature on each page which carries any data. Important! Just a deposit on a bank account does not prove regular income. You must show the source and regularity of the income. You may provide, for instance, your parents' or relatives' pay slips from the last six month from their employer with a bank statement about receiving the salary.
  • When concluding the required insurance contract, follow the instructions given here, under the title "Insurance contract" (scroll down). The respective documents must have your name, date and signature on each page which carries any data. Important: You need to have insurance contract for the whole study period(not just travel). Insurance can be made maximum for one year and after that it’s mandatory to renew it. Insurance must provide at least EUR 30.000 cover for family doctor, hospitalization and specialized medicine in Estonia. An accepted insurance contract can be concluded online here.
  • For embassy appointment be prepared to have with you the Admission letter sent by EUAS. It will also have been sent directly to the embassy of your choosing. 
  • All documents that are not in English have to be translated to English and the translation certified by a notary. All documents have to be certified with an apostille certificate (marginal note) or legalised. At the embassy you must pay the state fee of 80 euros for the visa application.

After handing in the applications you will be told when you will get an answer for the D-visa. It is usually between 10-14 days.


We suggest you book flight tickets immediately after receiving the visa - as Estonia is a rather popular study destination, yet we don't have that many embassies around the world, flights from embassy cities to Tallinn might be quite full at the end of August. If you're starting your studies in February, then you'll be glad to know that the situation is much better in January.

In any case, we expect you to arrive some time before your classes begin - at the end of August or at the end of January, respectively.


EUAS campus is quite close to Tallinn Airport, so you'll have no trouble finding EUAS. Your first stop after arriving in Tallinn should be EUAS Study Centre, where you'll conclude your formal study agreement and get advice and counsel on your accommodation, transport in Tallinn, your lecture plan and everything else. Welcome!

*If the candidate is not yet 18 years old at the time of starting his studies, his parents must submit a free-form notice that there is a person in Estonia who is responsible for the student until he reaches the age of 18.